Future wellness is “well-down.”


We have reinterpreted the concept of “shikohin” in Japan.

  • Nodate - Tea Smoking Peddler [ 野点 - 吸い茶売り ]

  • Digital Device-Hanging Stone [ 電器掛石 ]

  • Zen Meditation & Tea Smoking Ceremony
    at Kenninji Temple Ryosoku-in
    [ 坐禅吸茶会 at 建仁寺 両足院 ]

  • Ishitsumi-Ann
    in Taiwan
    [ 新日本冥想息茶 / 磊庵 at 台湾 ]

  • Purification Smoke [ 煙手水 ]

  • Amazake Smoking [ 吸う甘酒 ]

  • New Japanese-style Meditation Room
    Ochill Kyoto
    [ 瞑想室 落散 京都 ]

  • Tea Smoking Ceremony
    at Daitokuji Temple
    [ 吸うお茶会 at 大徳寺 玉林院 洞雲庵]

  • Tea Smoking Ceremony
    at Tokyo Marriott Hotel
    [ 吸うお茶会 at 有時庵 ]

  • Listen to the Tobacco [ 吸わない煙草 / 福龍庵 ]

  • Hookah Pipe reinterprets
    Tea Ceremony
    [ 吸うお茶 / 煙小卓 ]


Nodate - Tea Smoking Peddler [ 野点 - 吸い茶売り ]



In late medieval Japan, teahouses emerged, catering to travelers and pilgrims by initially offering tea made upon request on makeshift tables. Eventually, they diversified, providing sweets and meals, evolving into various teahouse forms.

Outdoor tea ceremonies known as ‘Nodate’ began in the 16 century when Japanese military commanders on hunting and war expeditions drank tea with their lunch. Renowned tea master Sen no Rikyu later refined the practice, which continues to be enjoyed today by those who appreciate casually drinking outdoors while observing nature.


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Ochill / Wataru Kiruta, Daichi Isokawa, Akihiro Murayama
Photo Archives / Takahito Ishizaki


Digital Device-Hanging Stone [ 電器掛石 ]



Traditionally, ‘Tea Ceremony’ and ‘Knives’ did not coexist, and ‘swords’ were not allowed inside the tea room. Therefore, outside the tea room, there was a stone known as the “sword-hanging stone,” which served as a place to put the sword and was believed to have a protective boundary. For ‘samurai’ of that time, a sword was something they should carry with them at all times, and parting with it must have been quite unsettling.

Now, for people who cannot part with their digital devices such as smartphones, it serves a similar purpose. It's something they should carry with them at all times, and its absence can lead to a sense of unease. In this “Zen meditation & Tea Smoking Ceremony” event, we introduced the “Digital Device-Hanging Stone” as a contemporary equivalent of the “sword-hanging stone,” a protective boundary where you release digital devices and let them rest.


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Ochill / Wataru Kiruta, Daichi Isokawa, Akihiro Murayama, Sakurako Matsumura
Photo Archives / Eichi Tano
Special Thanks / Toryo Ito, Wataru Kanaya, Keita Uno
Sponsored by AUGER
Forbes Japan


Zen Meditation & Tea Smoking Ceremony
at Kenninji Temple Ryosoku-in
[ 坐禅吸茶会 at 建仁寺 両足院 ]



At a media reception held in Kyoto to commemorate the new brand “AUGER” from the longstanding knife manufacturer KAI Corporation, which has a history of over 110 years, we conducted a unique event called the “Zen meditation & Tea Smoking Ceremony” with Vice Abbot Ito Toryo of the Ryosoku-in at the Kenninji Temple in Kyoto.

As this event focused on ‘Tea Smoking’ rather than drinking matcha, we provided “Getsuro,” a special ”Drinkable Japanese Sweets,” created in collaboration with Kyoto Masahiro Kanaya.

‘Digital Device-Hanging Stone’ / ‘Raku-San Jyaku’ / ‘Gyokuro Tachibana’ / ‘Getsuro’

創業110年を越える老舗刃物メーカー「貝印」の新ブランド発表を記念して京都で行われたメディア向けレセプションにて。建仁寺 両足院 の 副住職 伊藤東凌 と共に「坐禅(座禅)」と「吸うお茶」を融合させた『坐禅吸茶会』を行いました。飲む抹茶ではなく「吸うお茶」が主となる会であるため、菓子は「京菓子司 金谷正廣」と共創した “飲む和菓子” として『月露』を提供しました。

茶道具 煙小卓「落散 - 若」

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Ochill / Wataru Kiruta, Daichi Isokawa, Akihiro Murayama, Sakurako Matsumura
Photo Archives / Eichi Tano
Special Thanks / Toryo Ito, Wataru Kanaya, Keita Uno
Sponsored by AUGER
Forbes Japan


in Taiwan
[ 新日本冥想息茶 / 磊庵 at 台湾 ]



What's within?
What's happening?
Don't rush to know, don't interpret.
If you step in, be prepared.
There's no truth, only yourself.

‘Uzu-Moguri’ / ‘Rakugaki’ / ‘Chiku-Sui’


茶道具 煙水盤『竹水』

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Ochill / Wataru Kiruta, Daichi Isokawa, Akihiro Murayama, Sakurako Matsumura, Masakane Kishino, Kentaro Masuoka
Photo Archives / Howard Yu
Special Thanks / 奇想會 WhimsyWorks


Purification Smoke [ 煙手水 ]



There are moments when we reach for a cigarette, longing to fix our gaze on a solitary wisp of smoke. Just as the gentle flicker of a bonfire or a candle brings tranquility, might people have always found some measure of healing in the dance of smoke? Rises, falls, is breathed in and out; the meanings we assign to smoke shift with each person's perspective, reflecting our inner hearts.

This is an effort to re-envision the act of making smoke, recasting it as an experience. This metaphorically captures the purification ritual of washing hands and mouth before visiting the gods, concretized as “Purification Smoke.”

一筋の煙を見つめたいが為に、煙草を吸う時がある。焚き火や蝋燭の灯の揺らぎが、安心を齎すのと同じく、人はこれまで、 煙というものにも癒されてきたのではないか。


これは、神への参拝前に手や口を清める手水舎を “炭酸雪の煙手水” として、具象化したもの。

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Ochill / Wataru Kiruta, Daichi Isokawa, Akihiro Murayama, Sakurako Matsumura
Photo Archives / Eichi Tano


Amazake Smoking [ 吸う甘酒 ]



In the past, “Amazake” was written as “Kosake,” and it is recorded in the “Nihon Shoki” that it was offered to Emperor Ōjin.

From “Amazake Spillage” to ward off epidemics, to prayers for the safety and prosperity of sake brewing, and thanksgiving for bountiful harvests, Amazake has continued to exist as a drink offered to the gods. In the Edo period, it was frequently consumed in the summer when appetites were low, and in the world of “Haikai,” it is counted as a summer season word. And we pray by “Amazake Smoking.” (Using Japanese sake lees from Matsui Sake Brewery in Kyoto)


江戸時代には、食欲の細る夏に頻繁に飲まれたことから、俳諧の世界では夏の季語に数えられている。そして今、私たちは “甘酒を吸う”ことで、祈りの場を献じる

茶道具 煙小卓『呇朴 - 白霧』
酒粕 享保11年創業 京都 松井酒造

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Ochill / Wataru Kiruta, Daichi Isokawa, Akihiro Murayama, Sakurako Matsumura
Photo Archives / Eichi Tano
Special Thanks / Ryota Hagiwara


New Japanese-style Meditation Room
Ochill Kyoto
[ 瞑想室 落散 京都 ]



The Contemporary Tea Ceremony, a Nicotine-free smoking using only tea leaves.
Ambient space, Experimental Teahouse. There is Natural psychedelics, likely Zen mindfulness...

Beyond the Noren (Entrance to Japanology), a narrow Japanese garden alleyway continues, and inside the building, the walls are fully covered with Washi (Japanese Paper Craft). The floor is made of cypress, and a dark space is created with tatami mats made from natural materials.
In the Tokonoma (alcove), light is installed in a window-like frame, continuously reproducing the view from sunrise to sunset as the day progresses. The water-flowing vessel uses works by famous Japanese artists, and it is designed to constantly overflow with water, creating a visual effect as if time has stopped.


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Ochill / Wataru Kiruta, Daichi Isokawa, Akihiro Murayama
Architectural Design / TH
Construction / 木下工務店
和紙(Japanese Paper Craft) / ハタノワタル
照明(Lighting Direction) / 灯工舎
暖簾(Entrance to Japanology) / 暖簾 中むら
Special Thanks / Ai Yamada, Kenichi Nakaya, Kohei Komaki, LIGHT YEARS, Mikio Ishiguro, Shizuka Tatsuno, Taro Kawano, Wataru Kanaya, YAMADA MPD ART CLUB
Photo Archives / Eichi Tano, Yuna Yagi


Tea Smoking Ceremony
at Daitokuji Temple
[ 吸うお茶会 at 大徳寺 玉林院 洞雲庵]



At “Dōunan” in Gyokurin-in, a Temple of Daitoku-ji in Kyoto, Soryo Iwamoto hosted a Tea Ceremony where “Tea Smoking” was featured. Tea spoons whittled from tea trees freshly picked from the tea plantation were used, and earthenware was chosen for the tea bowls.

From the tea bowls and other elements, one can sense the aroma of the soil, the temperature, and humidity of the tea, similar to what you can feel in the tea plantation. Along with the tea utensils made from items found in nature, the smoke of the “Tea Smoking" expresses the morning dew of the tea plantation. We also presented ‘Raku-San Jyaku’ (落散 - 若) as a new ‘Kemiru-Kojoku’ (煙小卓:a wooden smoking table).

京都 大徳寺 玉林院で、松若会 が年に一度開催する茶会の 岩本宗涼 が席主を務めた 洞雲庵 での茶席にて、”吸うお茶” を振る舞いました。茶畑から採ってきた茶の木を自ら削り出した茶杓や、茶碗には素焼きの土器を選定。茶碗などからは、茶畑で感じることのできる、土の香りや中のお茶の温度や湿度を感じることができ、自然の中にあるものから作られた茶道具と共に、“吸うお茶”の煙では茶畑の朝露が表現されています。新たな「煙小卓」として『落散 - 若』を発表いたしました。

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Ochill / Wataru Kiruta, Daichi Isokawa, Akihiro Murayama, Sakurako Matsumura
Photo Archives / Eichi Tano
Special Thanks / Ryo Iwamoto (TeaRoom inc.)


Tea Smoking Ceremony
at Tokyo Marriott Hotel
[ 吸うお茶会 at 有時庵 ]



At the Gotenyama Sakura Tea Party held at the private TeaRoom "Ujian," designed by architect Arata Isozaki, located in the Gotenyama Trust City where Tokyo Marriott Hotel is situated, we hosted a “Tea Smoking Ceremony.”

We received over 100 applications just a few days after recruitment started for the 12 available spots, and we would like to express our sincere gratitude to all who participated in the event and applied for it.
We introduced a new “Tea Smoking” blended with cherry blossom leaves and presented ‘Kei-Hou Muji’ (呇朴 - 無時) as a new ‘Kemiru-Kojoku’ (煙小卓:a wooden smoking table).

東京マリオットホテルが所在する御殿山トラストシティにある、建築家 磯崎新氏 設計の非公開茶室「有時庵」で行われた御殿山さくら茶会にお呼ばれし、“吸うお茶会” を行いました。 さくら葉をブレンドした新たな『吸うお茶』及び、新たな「煙小卓」として『呇朴 - 無時』を発表いたしました。 12名の参加枠に対し、募集開始から数日で100名以上のご応募が集まりました。

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Ochill / Wataru Kiruta, Daichi Isokawa, Akihiro Murayama, Sakurako Matsumura
Photo Archives / Eichi Tano
Special Thanks / Ryo Iwamoto (TeaRoom inc.)


Listen to the Tobacco [ 吸わない煙草 / 福龍庵 ]



The Japanese new meditative experience “Listen to the Tobacco” announced at the 100-year-old historical concert hall in Maruyama Park, the oldest park in Kyoto. It is a smoking experience based on the tea ceremony, where you can enjoy the fragrance of tobacco leaves without inhaling them.

It is a smoking experience based on the tea ceremony, where you can enjoy the fragrance of tobacco leaves without inhaling them.
“Fukuryu-Ann” (福龍庵) as a new smoking room and tearoom in a historical building and created it in the space. We overturned people's preconceptions about smoking and sublimated it into a new meditative experience. On that day, everyone from non-smokers to children enjoyed the fragrance of burning tobacco leaves.

煙草はほとんどの場合において “吸うもの” だと認識されがちですが、焚くという所作のもと煙を目で楽しむ嗜好性があるのではないかという仮説から生まれました。 “吸わない煙草” のもつ公共性、言い換えれば “吸う煙草” の私事性が明らかとなり、来場者からは私たちも予想しなかった反響をいただきました。 京都市内で最も古い歴史を持つ公園「京都市円山公園」、そこにある約100年の歴史を持つ「音楽堂」という非常に公共性の高い場所で、非喫煙者や子どもまでもが集い、煙草の香りを嗜み、ゆらぎを眺めながらその身に浴びていました。

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Ochill / Wataru Kiruta, Daichi Isokawa, Akihiro Murayama, Sakurako Matsumura
Photo Archives / Eichi Tano


Hookah Pipe reinterprets
Tea Ceremony
[ 吸うお茶 / 煙小卓 ]



The world’s first Hookah (Shisha) product based on the traditional Japanese tea ceremony. The new culturally inspired experience unites two social customs centered on social gathering and sharing shisha smoking and tea ceremonies to invent a new organic smoking product that replaces smoking tobacco leaves with tea leaves.

“Kemuri-Kojoku” (煙小卓 : small table for smoke) is Hookah(Shisha) products based on the tea ceremony, developed to smoke tea. The first artwork “Kei-Hou” (呇朴) was presented at the “Shoseien” of the temple “Higashi Honganji” in Kyoto.

シーシャ(水タバコ)の原理を応用し、たばこ葉ではなく茶葉を使用した “お茶を吸う” という、ノンニコチンの新たな嗜好体験です。 伝統的な日本の茶道に基づいた世界初の吸うお茶道具「煙小卓」として『呇朴』を製作し、京都にある東本願寺 渉成園にて発表いたしました。

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Ochill / Wataru Kiruta, Daichi Isokawa
Product Design / Akihiro Murayama (rivvon inc.)
Photo Archives / Eichi Tano